This will be a relatively quick update, mostly with pictures of what I’m planning to take out with me. I have the whole day to spend, so I’m gearing up pretty heavily.
First, some station-keeping tidbits:

1. As of yesterday, The Impossible Project has come on board to offer even more prizes for your expired film photos. They’re looking for creative use of light, and offering some sweet instant film swag.
2. You can start submitting your photos for consideration … today! I probably won’t be adding mine to the pool for awhile because, as you’ll see, there may be quite a few and it will take me time to get them all developed. But if you’ve still got 1-hour photofinishing in your area, have at it! Additionally, since I’m out shooting, I won’t start approving submissions until tonight or tomorrow. Check back then!
3. My Leica is reportedly fixed and ready for pickup. Because a) I’ll have to head to Longmont to get it and b) I’d love to try it out on Expired Film Day, I will therefore c) be heading toward Longmont, Colo., at the beginning of my Expired Film Day.
4. Remember to tweet a photo of your film, your camera, your location — whatever and tag it #ExpiredFilmDay. Show me how much fun you’re having for a chance to win cool prizes! I’ll be retweeting as many #ExpiredFilmDay tweets as I can during the course of the day — assuming my battery holds out!
Alright, enough minor updates. Let’s get to the cool stuff!
The things I carried

I’ve got so much expired film I can’t even decide what to take. I picked out a selection of a couple of really old films, some middling-old films, and a couple just past the date.
Up above you can see I’m taking a roll of Kodacolor II that expired in 1977 with my Pentax Spotmatic SP and a couple Takumar lenses — 28mm and 50mm.
I have the initial film loaded in half a dozen cameras, and plenty of spare film. I’m hoping to focus a bit more on details than I normally do. We’ll see how things come out.
I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story here.

If you’re seeing this, you can assume I’m out working on this stockpile. You should be, too! Happy Expired Film Day to all! Time for me to hit the road…