I found the Imperial Debonair bakelite box toy camera in a small antique mall in Fort Collins, Colorado. As per usual, I put a roll of film (Ilford Delta 100 120 film rerolled onto a 620 spool) through it to test it out. It’s a nice step up from the Imperial Herco. I wrote a more complete review of the Imperial Debonair after testing it.
Just before testing the Debonair, though, I had shot 5 or 6 rolls of Fuji Provia in my Yashica D, which has a brilliant automatic mechanical film counter that stops advancing when a new frame is revealed. As a result, I rolled right past a couple frames on this test roll before remembering I needed to look at the little red window and only got 8 frames from the roll in the end.

I made these frames with Ilford Delta 100 film that I respooled from 120 spools onto a spare 620 spool. They were developed in Kodak HC-110E (1+47) for 9 minutes at 68°F. I typically agitate for the full first 30 seconds, and then for 5 seconds (or 4 inversions) every 30 seconds thereafter.